On the eve of the 200th episode, Dan takes yet another opportunity to highlight some great Philly music. Featuring new tunes from Dave Cope and the Sass, Emily Drinker, Ali Awan, Sophie Coran, Erin Fox, and more. Check out the clickable playlist at 25oclockpod.com with all the artists links.
Dan talks to Niyonu about growing up in Newark during the 60s and the Civil Rights Movement, coming from a musical household, how her activism grew, teaching, Quaker Meetings, community engagement, her past singing group Tribe 1, touring as a means to learning about the rest of the country, and so much more. She has a new single out now called 'Kiss Me (Bobbi's Song)', available wherever you get digital music.
Dan talks with Bel (Isabel Furman) about regional Connecticut highways, her parents' Grateful Dead cover band, the music they've been listening to over the last year, studios vs non studio spaces, School of Rock (the actual school, not the movie), and her new single, 'Amelia", available everywhere you get digital music.
Photo by Julia Leiby
Brett Talley has been a part of the Philadelphia music community since he was old enough to go to open mics. Brett and Dan talk about his growing up in Mayfair, the Coffee Connection and the open mic scene, joining Ike and The Caulfields (and how he and Caulfields frontman John Faye are inseparable now), his love of Rush and Bowie, 80s and 90s power pop, producing in his studio, and his new record, 'Nonlinear', available now anywhere you get digital music.
Barney and Dan talk The Kinks, honesty in songwriting, Barney's days in the band Nicos Gun, the joys of demoing at home, and getting outside more. Barney has a new single out called "Playboys In Hell", available anywhere you get digital music.
This past year was quite a boon for music releases, and 2021 is already gearing up to be no exception. Dan highlights a handful of Philly artists like Bel, Rob'n Delaine, Roberta Faceplant, Bad Sleeper, Riverby, and more. Special highlight of the new Philly Loves You compilation, featuring over two dozen love songs, and all in support of famed Philly small venue Ortlieb's.
Jared's been releasing singles all summer and fall, and his new album, 'Love Is An Obstacle' is finally out. Dan and Jared talk about how the record came together, his sudden life change from business school to Berklee, playing cabaret sets, and his non-profit, loveandbefree.org.
Emily created Philly Live, a music blog that features Philly bands, as well as writes for WXPN's The Key, works with Will Yip's Memory Music record label, and does PR for No Earbuds PR. Dan and Emily talk about how to keep your work life from swallowing you whole, how she got her first jobs as a music writer, and all the amazing women she's become close with through the Philly music community.
Erin Fox talks with Dan about growing up playing in her mom's cover band, writing songs and playing with her drummer sister (and the joys of working with your sibling), getting nervous before everything, and her new single 'Pictures' and the forthcoming release ('Fuzzy Logic'). Features two acoustic performances from Erin, as well as a quick meet and greet with her dogs, Rudy and Peach.
Dan talks with Frankie DeRosa and Robbie Simmons of ThebandIvory about their new record, 'Anthropocene', and how the pandemic got them to slow down enough to finish it at all. They talk about coming from different parts of Florida, meeting in North Carolina, going to Berklee and some of the remarkable world music ensembles there, moving to Philly and making their home at Bridgeset Sound, and how they write songs and make music together.
Joe talks to Dan about how he "accidentally" started Philly Music Lessons, his desire to never have a regular job, and how he grew his business slowly over the years. Amidst the pandemic, Joe has pivoted the school into the online world, and talks about the ups and downs of staying afloat over the past year. Dan and Joe also get into music they love (The Beatles, Phish and the Dead definitely come up), and the never ending quest to "stay even".
Dan talks to Matthew about running sound for a zillion shows, spending the year getting better at guitar, and creating the Statehouse Sessions with his sister, Caitlin (and how no one knows you like your sibling). Plus, Dan pays tribute to the late Shaheen Dibai, a poet and tireless supporter of the Philly music scene who passed away last week.
Greg Sover can shred, this is a fact. He's steeped in the blues and classic rock, but his style goes beyond all that. Dan and Greg talk guitars, practicing, Greg's new EP, 'The Parade', more guitars, country music, growing up in Mount Airy, a bit more guitars, and a shared love of the old music video channel, The Box.
As the year draws to a close, Dan talks to a few past guests about the music they put out this year, the tunes they discovered, and what they managed to get done. Featuring conversations with John Faye, Lia Menaker, Tara Murtha, Jesse Lundy, and Brian Walker. Includes tracks by Erin Fox, Sophie Coran, Avataria, Erin Incoherent, and more. Happy New Year to all!
Ali Awan and Dan talk about Ali's nomadic upbringing in Saudi Arabia and Turkey, growing up Muslim in America post 9/11, and how punk rock saved him at the right time. Touring life, recording in his van, a newfound skill in fixing cars, songwriting, and what the future holds are all up for discussion, as well as his involvement with the Philly Holiday Album, benefitting Save Our Stages and Tots for Tots.
Despite a tour-less year, Susan Werner is thankful to be doing alright. Susan and Dan talk about coming up in Philly in the 90s, her new LP, 'Flyover Country', diving into all the different styles of country music, working with uber-talent Mike Brenner as a producer, and growing up on an Iowa farm.
Since they live in the same house, it was easy to get both Maggie and Eric at once. They talk with Dan about what they've been doing to keep busy/sane, Eric's new 'Coop A Loop' album, Maggie's new single, 'Hometown', and everyone learns some fun facts about the octopus.
Born in Colombia and raised in rural PA, Laura's journey to Philadelphia has been a unique one. Laura and Dan talk about growing up with music in the house (her brother was a classical bassist), being a woman in the jazz scene, all the risque moments of 'Anything Goes', and her new record, 'Heart'.
Danny Black (Good Old War, Joshua Radin) has a new record, 'Black Ryno', out now. Danny and Dan talk about the LP, working with Ryan Zimmaro on drums (the 'Ryno' of 'Black Ryno), lots of guitars, and how working on the record during the first months of the pandemic helped keep him even.
Dan talks to Maggie Poulos, founder of Mixtape Media, all about the joys of being a music publicist. They get into her time working in NYC on the music industry, coming back to the Philly area, the importance of publicity when trying to get tot he next level (and how it's not simply a silver bullet), and how hard it is to burn a CD these days. Maggie's clients include Philly artists like The Dawn Drapes, Ali Awan, Mighty Joe Castro, Kirby Sybert, and more.
Drew's back to talk to Dan after 5 years since his first appearance. The two discuss hot jazz (Drew's area of performance and expertise), figuring out how to livestream, Drew's virtual variety show which draws in talent from all over the globe, his newest record, 'Just The Trio Us, Vol. 1', and how one stays relevant in a time when live performances are few and far between.
Dan and Jenny talk about her upbringing in Detroit, Motown, coming to Philly as a student at UArts, learning the Meisner method and how it helped inform her as a songwriter as well as an actor, Canadian rock radio, and striving to be a "valid person". Jenny's new single, 'Higher Self', is out now anywhere you get digital music, along with a video featuring dancer Abigail Kelvas.
One of the bands Dan heard a lot about this summer was Riverby. He finally got a chance to talk with August Greenberg, front-person and songwriter of the band. The two talk about how the band came together, getting tricked into living in Manayunk (where they still live), their new video that features smashed cake and a lot of fake blood, and August's love of antagonizing her bandmate, Tyler (who has nothing but nice things to say about anyone).
*Note: The artist has changed their name to August and identifies as non-binary. At the time of recording, they identified as "Sophie".
Dan got so much great music for last week's episode, he decided to do a second Fall 2020 Music Playlist. Featuring Ellen Siberian tiger, Ali Awan, Caiola, Riverby and more. Go to 25oclockpod.com for a clickable playlist and support the artists.
Welcome to fall! Dan highlights 11 tracks from Philly and Philly-related artists on the show, including Ross Bellenoit, King Pine, Dear Forbidden, La Palma, Wicket, and more.